May 20, 2021

A Quick Guide to Shot Blasting

Written by Phil White
With a remarkable 32 years of hands-on experience, Phil White is a true artisan in car restoration, bodywork, and paint. Holding City & Guilds Diplomas in Vehicle Accident Repair Body and Vehicle Accident Repair Paint at Levels 1, 2, and 3, all with distinctions, he combines technical expertise with an artist’s eye for detail. He's not just a seasoned professional; he's a passionate enthusiast, turning every vehicle he touches into a work of art.

At our garage in West Sussex, White’s Bodyworks offer a range of different services from the full restoration of classic cars and accident repairs to fixing dents, dings and full body resprays.

New and old cars will get covered in dirt and dust, be susceptible to scratches and dents and suffer from problems such as rust. One way to solve this problem and lengthen the lifespan of your vehicle is to have the bodywork shot blasted and then resprayed.

While it is invasive, shot blasting is a key part of many classic car restorations. If you want to change the colour of your car, you also need to remove the original paintwork. Shot blasting has a wide range of applications and finding an expert service is critical.

What is Shot Blasting?

If there is damage to the surface of a car or an area like the engine, shot blasting is probably the most economical and quickest way to get rid of it. We often use this method when a car comes into us for a respray and we need to completely remove the old paintwork.

Shot blasting uses a high speed mechanical or centrifugal force to propel a material against the surface being treated. As you might expect this is a highly technical undertaking and requires not only the right equipment but plenty of training and expertise. The good news is it’s something our team at White’s Bodyworks have plenty of.

  • Shot blasting can be used:
  • To smooth over damaged or uneven areas of your car.
  • Prepare a car for a repaint and get rid of rust.
  • Cleaning surfaces that have contaminants or where there is ageing and erosion.

While it sounds aggressive, shot blasting is a safe way to prepare surfaces and remove longstanding dirt and other contaminants. It’s often a process that is used in the restoration of classic cars and the skill of the person carrying it out is in the amount of pressure used, the materials selecting for blasting and the care that is taken to clean a surface but also protect the underlying bodywork.

Shot blasting is used in preference to sandblasting when deeper penetration is required and the surface is fairly sturdy – often to remove things like baked-on pollution and caked rust.

Sandblasting is generally used for more delicate surfaces where a smoother finish is required.
Another process that we use at White’s is called bead blasting which uses find glass beads fired at high speed. This removes tarnished areas and is mostly used when the finish needs to be uniform. We can also perform soda blasting which uses liquid rather than a solid material and is widely used in classic car restorations.

Why Choose White’s Bodyworks?

It’s important when you are choosing a garage to make sure that it has the right equipment in place, particularly if you are looking at restoration, as well as the best expertise. Most garages don’t have the appropriate shot blasting equipment on-site and will have to send away cars and motorbikes at an extra cost to the customer.

Over the last 27 years, we’ve invested a lot in getting state of the art equipment for our garage in West Sussex. That’s one reason why we’re often the first port of call for classic car owners who are looking for a team to help them with a restoration.

Our team are fully trained and skilled in the use of the latest shot blasting techniques so you can be sure that your vehicle is in good hands. With the equipment we need here at our garage, we can use this to reduce the cost of work for our customers.

If you are intending to get your vehicle resprayed, for example, we can handle the whole process from start to finish without sending it to third parties. Not only do with have the best shot blasting facilities on-site but our respray areas are fully kitted out too.

If you are searching for a local garage in West Sussex that can handle all your needs, contact the expert team at White’s Bodyworks today on 01273 933633.


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